Market leader in numismatic quality objects
We are proud to be the market leader in numismatic quality objects, but we are also transparent that not all coins are best suited for sale through our auctions. For coins without collector value, but with metal value, we are happy to recommend alternative sales channels.
We also have good contacts with the country's most respected coin clubs, which can sometimes be an ideal forum for specific objects. By contacting us first, you as a customer can feel assured that what you want to dispose of will be well taken care of.
We offer an initial & free consultation
We always offer an initial and free consultation where we discuss your items and best sales opportunities. If we judge that the items are suitable for our auctions, we will guide you through the process to achieve the best possible result.
If your items would be better suited in another channel, we are happy to provide advice and recommendations on how to proceed.
We help with extensive valuation assignments
For larger valuation assignments, such as in connection with estate records, we also offer extensive valuation assistance. No matter what you need, you can feel secure that we are always working to find the best solution for you.
Welcome to contact us!